The Glorious Cross

The Glorious Cross

The Glorious Cross

The Son of the Father

God Requested an Ark of flesh (Noah)
God Requested the Ark of the Covenant
God Requested the Glorious Cross of Dozule

It is peace & joy which drives us!

Fear of Hell/Gehenna is for those who cannot see; for those who do not hear.

The Undying Worm/s of Perdition
Black, hairy worms of blight
Vile teeth, tearing at the "flesh"
Venomous hairs, burning the "blood"
Forever, devouring the "dead."

Isaiah 66:24, "... for their worm shall not die..."

Wake-up, to Jesus!!!

"Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant taste death but once."
Shakespeare's, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar (II, II, 34/35)

Following God, one dies many times.
Courageous beyond measures of this world.
Honor, bestowed/bound for all time.
Fearless servant of God: Tasting death but once.

(Job 28:28) - Wisdom is fear of the Lord and understanding is to depart from evil.
Recall, king Solomon had great wisdom without understanding.

4 Significant Visitation

An Addendum to The Greatest Story Ever Told

Events of The Sacred Heart

December of 1531 she visits Juan Diego, an Aztec descendant:  End of a period, beginning of another.

He visits Sister Margaret Mary in 1673:  Telling of his pangs and showing her his Most Sacred Heart.

Our Lady of Fatima visits 3 young children in 1917:  Showing them Hell, where poor sinners go, and giving them prophetic secrets to divulge at the right time.

Our Lord Jesus Visits a French Mother, Mrs. Madeleine Aumont in 1972:  He asks that the priest not leave until the Cross is built and foretells a catastrophic drought, worse than the deluge.

4 Questions

"He who has ears, let them hear." (Matthew 11:15)

Elevation Map of Dozule, France

Does the Seer receive scorn or obtain wealth?

Lucia, the eldest child (Seer of Fatima) was beaten by her mother, telling her to “TELL THE TRUTH!!!”

When studying the design of The Glorious Cross, one rather poignant fact came to light:  The site has a bedrock of limestone and marble.  Though a detailed survey is needed, the probability is very high that it will be perfect for construction.

Forty-six days of patience notes the end of 6 lots of 14 generations.

"Blessed is he who waits 46 days"

Daniel 12:11-12

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Be a voice for Peace and Joy!
Support the construction of The Glorious Cross of Dozule, France.
Grow younger in your heart and older in the wisdom and understanding of God


Analytical Examination of Job, the Birth of Christ and other fun:  Including 5-Aug-2548 calculations.


The current design of the Glorious Cross; of Dozule, France:  CAD (below) ~3Gb:  Below “data….”

Brief Overview

A very brief summation of  events concerning the Glorious Cross

“The Events”  In a presentation

The Events

A scientific study of events, the stars and global conditions.  A detailed explanation of the “Brief Overview.”

Design Report

The physics behind the design of the Glorious Cross

The end of the 6th lot of 14 generations 5-Aug-2548
John 13:10, "Clean thy feet and the body/soul shall be clean"


Freedom with Peace & Joy


A sight to behold!

Padre Pio: "Don't Worry, Hope and Pray

Decryption of Revelation was outlined in December 2021

Less He Would Not Do

Decryption/decoding of the book of Revelation by John

Menos No Haria

Descifrado/decodificacion del libro de Apocalipsis por Juan

Golden Sacred Heart

No picture can do it justice

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Stress on Std 47" Panel

(x10) Deformation

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For the Family

The Most Sacred Heart in the Home

Home and The Sacred Heart

In whatever form, those devoted to the Sacred heart shall never parish.

Jesus will abundantly bless homes that displays the Sacred Heart; in a prominent place.

He will bring together the members of disunited families.

He will protect ALL in need.

He will pour out his sweet love on the communities where the image of His heart is respected/honored.  And Shield those who’ve fallen away from the just anger of God by giving them the grace of repentance.


Fill Your Goblet

Pray for the conversion of souls
Heaven doesn't need your prayers, you do.

Jesus sweat blood while He prayed for His Apostates;
While He prayed for others.

Fulfillment of The Sacred Heart

The image should be set in a prominent location.  The image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus renders Satan powerless; for those who hold true.

Pray every day:  Beneath your breath or together.

1) When passing the image, or Our Lord comes to mind, simply say “Glory and Praise to the Lord!”

2) Recite the daily prayer of the Glorious Cross.

Place a (lit) holy candle next to the image and pray.

After communion, go home and place your left hand on your heart, then your right hand atop your left.  Then say whatever comes to mind.

If you do not believe your sins are forgiven, why should God?

It is revealing to know why Jesus Christ baptized by John and why God, the Father, was “well pleased.”  He was “cut-off” several years earlier and anointed Prince/Lord/Messiah in 26AD.

Prayer from Dozule, France

for Peace & Joy!!!

Prayer by Christ for Us

The prayer may be found in the documentation concerning the visitations of/in Dozule, France.  It takes but a few minutes.

(frequently said prior to the prayer)

Oh blood and water which gushed forth from the heart of Jesus as a fountain of mercy for us, I trust in thee.

Jesus of Nazareth has triumphed over death. His Reign is eternal. He is coming to conquer the world and time.  >Mercy, my God, on those who blaspheme You:  forgive them, they know not what they do.  >Mercy, my God, for the scandal of the world:  Deliver them from the spirit of Satan.  >Mercy, my God, on those who run away from You:  Give them appreciation for the Holy Eucharist.  >Mercy, my God, on those who will come repentant to the Glorious Cross:  May they find there Peace and Joy in God Our Savior.  >Mercy, my God, so that your Kingdom may come, but save souls, there is still time… for the time is drawing near, see, I am coming… Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

Followed by a decade of the Rosary.

music, sound, audio

song 1

The Little Drummer Boy

music, sound, audio

song 2

Amazing Grace

music, sound, audio

song 3

The Battle Hymn of the Republic

music, sound, audio

song 4 (WIP)

from Psalms 22 & 23

The Soul

Back-story of this dream: Laying on a golden bed, in a golden room with Romanesque columns, a portal appears and a lady I know-of walks towards me: Suddenly, she is laying next to me; and the hand takes mine…. After a few days I found out she was proposed-to; on the very night of this dream. Checking-in a couple of years later, she is married; without children.

dove, bird, symbol
The Holy Spirit

A hand steadied mine as it hovered over the woman’s belly.

Energy was taken from the cosmos and formed beneath my palm:  The spirit grew ….

As it grew, its hold upon the source wavered; like dew twinkling in the rising sun.  Breaking free of its source, it fell from the hand as dew falls from heaven.

Though the words to describe the feelings of that moment do not exist, these came to mind: This is RIGHT, TRUE, INNOCENT AND PURE!

Is a soul brighter than the sun or as empty as the void of space?

Is a soul as clear as a drop of dew or as murky as pond scum?

How would you describe your soul?